Facts About Vitamin a
Vitamin a
What is vitamin a, it a fat-soluble vitamin? This vitamin contains four important functions: - Make cells reproduce normally(if they don't, this could develop cancer cells)
- It helps your vision
- Needed to for growth of fetus and development of the embryo and fetus
- Support the development system such as development of sperm and ovaries.
- Vitamin also support healthy skin
- Also increases memory
What is the daily requirement for vitamin a?The daily requirement for vitamin a is 5000IU. What is the overdose of vitamin a? It can cause birth defects ( according to research when taken 10,000-40,000). What happens when you deficiency in this vitamin? - Children who lack vitamin a may get visual impairment and blindness
- May get measles
- Pregnant woman may night blindness
What are the types of food have vitamin a?- Cod liver oil
- Egg Yolks
- Butter
- Raw
- Whole milk
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